Using the online edition from a command line – HP Insight Diagnostics User Manual

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Using the Online Edition from a command line

To list the command line options, enter the following commands:

cd opt\hp\hpdiags

hpdiags -?
The optional command line parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description


Language Code options:

en (for English, the default language)

de (for German)

es (for Spanish)

fr (for French)

it (for Italian)

ja (for Japanese)


Verbosity of output where Level is an integer between 1 and 5. Level 1 is the most
filtered and Level 5 is the most verbose. The default is Level 3.

-s "mmhhddMMDD" Schedule automatic execution. mm=minute (0-59), hh=hour (0-23), dd=day (1-31),

MM=month (1-12), DD=day of week (0-6). All fields must be two digits (02 instead

of 2).
Use a single asterisk (*) for any value. If you use an asterisk, you must quote the
date/time value (-s "0023***"). If no asterisk is used, the quotes are optional.
This command adds an entry to your crontab, for Linux-based systems, or the

Windows Scheduled Tasks list, for Windows-based systems. For more Information on
crontab, enter man crontab at a Linux command prompt.


Unschedule of HP Insight Diagnostics running.
This command removes all entries that refer to HP Insight Diagnostics in your
crontab. For a Windows system, this command removes the entries in the Windows

Scheduled Tasks list.


Compare a file to the current output, or if two files are specified, compare the files

without generating a new report.


Run a new Survey snapshot and output to the terminal.
This option is ignored if -o is not specified.


Survey captures and comparisons can be to a file as plain text. The default is XML



Run a new survey snapshot and output to a file. The default is formed using the

current date in this format: surveyCCYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss.xml (CC=century,
YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, HH=hour, mm=minute, and ss=second).
-t and -o cannot be used together.


Overwrite the output file if it already exists.
If the -o parameter is not specified this option is ignored.