General functions and controls (cont.) – American Audio CDS-1 User Manual

Page 10

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vated. This functions allows the beats between
two CD’s or any other music source to match.
This is a momentary function. When the button
is depressed the pitch speed will automatically
return to

PITCH SLIDER'S (19) selected pitch.

Holding down this button down yields a maxi-
mum of -16% pitch. Be sure to remember that
this function is a momentary pitch adjust-ment,
for a more precise adjustment use the



to match the BPM’s with

another playing music


19. PITCH SLIDER - This slider is used to adjust
the playback pitch percentage when the PITCH
function is activated. The slider is a set
adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slid-
er is moved or the PITCH (21) function has been
turned off. This adjustment can be made with or
without a CD in the drive. The pitch adjustment
will remain even if a disc has been remove, and
will reflect on any other disc loaded into the unit.
That is to say, if you set a +2% pitch on one disc,
remove that disc and insert another, that disc too
will have a +2% pitch. The amount of pitch being
applied will be displayed in the LCD (3). Use this
slider to match the BPM’s of this unit to that of
another music source. By changing the pitch of
one disc with respect to the other in this way, the
beats can be matched.
20. PITCH SELECT - This button changes the
pitch value. The pitch percentage can be changed
between 8%, 12%, and 16%. 8% yields the
least amount of pitch manipulation and 16% will
yield the most amount of pitch manipulation. To
adjust to the different values tap this button. The
LED above this button will indicate which pitch
percentage mode is activated. See PITCH LED
. The pitch values will immediately reflect the
amount of pitch being applied to a music source
in the CD drive. The pitch value is adjusted by
sliding the PITCH SLIDER (19) up and down.

21. PITCH BUTTON - This button is used to turn
the pitch function on and off. The pitch functions
of the PITCH SLIDER (19), and PITCH BEND
will not function without this func-
tion being activated. The pitch percentage value


can be changed from (+/- 8%), (+/- 12%) or (+/-
16%). The PITCH SELECT LED (23) will indicate
the maximum pitch value.
22. PITCH LED - This red LED will glow when
the pitch function is active
23. PITCH SELECT LED - This LED serves as a
visual reminder of the selected pitch percentage
mode. A flashing red LED will indicate 8% pitch
manipulation, a solid glowing red LED will indi-
cate 16% pitch manipulation, and when the LED
is off 12% pitch manipulation will be applied to
the PITCH SLIDER (19).
24. AUDIO OUT R & L - These jacks send a
left and right analog mono output signal. Use
these jacks to send standard audio to a mixer or
25. DIGITAL OUT - This jack sends a digital
stereo out signal. Use this connection to create
near perfect copies of your disc to a Mini disc,
CD-R, or any other recording device with a digital
26. CONTROL - These control jacks are only
used for the "Q" function. Only use these jacks
in conjunction with a compatible "Q" series
American Audio


mixer or CD unit. Connect the

supplied mini-plug from the CONTROL jack on
the rear of your unit to the control jack on a com-
patible mixer or CD unit.
27. VOLTAGE SELECTOR - Because power
supplies vary from location to location a volt-
age selector switch has been incorporated in the
unit's design. This switch can select a voltage
input of 120v or 220v to accommodate the two
major power source. Always be sure to discon-
nect the power plug before changing the volt-
28. POWER CONNECTOR - This is the main
power connection. Only use the supplied polar-
ized power cord. Use of any other power may
result in sever damage to the unit. Be sure the
local power matches the unit’s required power.
29. POWER SWITCH - This switch controls the
unit's main power.


American Audio


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