First steps first, Al7024s quick start manual, 1 checklist for first tests – Altech Auto Security AL7024S User Manual
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AL7024S Quick Start Manual
No. AL7020S-QSM-101
Altec Electronic AG
Seite 4 / 18
1. First steps first
1.1 Checklist for first Tests
Test SIM-card with a handy, decide if you want to use a PIN-code or not and
note it.
Connect Hardware
(5V-supply, RS-232-interface with 5V-levels, Antenna, SIM-card)
Set serial-port baud-rate of DTE to 115200 baud, 8n1, hardware-handshake
(Soft-handshake not supported). The module should react already to AT-
Commands, even if it is not connected to a network. If it is not reacting, try
also 9600 baud. After getting responses from modem, set it to autobaud with
‘AT+IPR=0’ and store the setting with ‘AT&W’.
If no SIM-PIN-code is needed, the module should be connected to the
network some seconds after power-up. (With the command ‘AT+CPIN?’ you
can test if the Module requires PIN. Response ‘SIM PIN’ for yes, ‘READY’
for no.)
If a PIN is used, enter it with 'AT+CPIN=”....”. The module answers with ‘OK’
and connects to network. It uses the providers in the ‘preferred-operators-
list’ (see AT commands interface guide).
Check the connection status of the modem. It can be seen by the flashing
LED (Pin 29 of Socket) and the response "+CREG: 1,1" (After issuing the
command 'AT+CREG=2').
The reception-quality can be seen with 'AT+CSQ'. A reception level of at
least 10 to 15 is needed for safe operation.
Configure the module for your needs (baud rate, information commands etc.,
see below)
Set data-mode to V110 9600 baud with 'AT+CBST=71,0,1' and configure the
other side of communication to the same. Set ‘ATS0=2’ at the other side.
Call the other side by 'ATD..........'.
If the other side calls you, set 'ATS0=2' before, so the module will answer
after 2 rings.
For a test-voice-call, you could call a telephone or a portable phone with
‘ATD…. ;’ (Semicolon for voice mode). A headset can be connected to the
module to speak to the other side.
Send an SMS to a portable. See following example:
Send DTMF tones to a phone. ‘AT+VTS=1’ sends digit ‘1’. Only one digit can
be transmitted with this command, so you have to repeat it to send longer