UEi Test Instruments C75OILKIT User Manual

Page 4

background image

Selecting Fuel
To set the fuel simply rotate the selector to “FUEL” then press the “UP
or “DOWN” arrows to scroll through the choices. When the correct fuel
is displayed on the bottom line press “ENTER” to choose this fuel.

Symbol Legend

Setting Inlet Temperature
During the automatic calibration sequence the burner INLET (Ti)
temperature used in the NET temperature calculation is stored in the
analyzer. There are two methods of storing the INLET temperature.

A. Without the flue probe connected temperature inside the analyzer

is used (ambient temperature).

B. If the flue probe is connected the temperature of the probe tip is

used. This can be useful when the temperature of the air entering
the burner is different than the ambient temperature of the room.

NOTE: On ducted inlets, insert the probe tip into the inlet air during the
zero countdown. The analyzer will then store this temperature as the
ambient (inlet) for use in efficiency calculations. Do not sample flue gas
during the zero countdown.


If the INLET temperature is set incorrectly, then errors will be made in
the calculation of net temperature and efficiently.

Sampling the Flue Gas
Once the automatic calibration procedure has been completed and the
specific fuel has been selected (see menu options) the probe can be
inserted into the desired sampling point.

It is recommended that the sampling point be located at least two flue
diameters downstream of any bend, as close to the source as possible,
and that the probe tip is in the center of the flue. With balanced flues
and other domestic units the probe should be positioned far enough
into the flue so that no air can “back flush” into the probe.




Efficiency (gross)

Calculated percentage efficiency based on
net temperature, O2 value and fuel selected.

Battery Level

Battery level indication with percentage

Excess Air

Theoretical amount of air in excess of level
needed to completely burn fuel.


Losses calculated from Oxygen and type of
fuels. Displays reading during a combustion
test. “- - - -” is displayed while in fresh air.


Delta Temperature

Net Te m p e rature of Flue and Ambient (or inlet).


Flue Temperature

Measure of Flue Temperature.

Analyzer Connections

NOTE: Take care when inserting the temperature probes as the pins are
polarized. Insert with the smaller pin (+) to the right. A view of the
sockets is shown below

Automatic Calibration
During this sequence the analyzer pumps fresh air into the Oxygen and
CO (C75 only) sensors to allow them to be set to 20.9% and zero
respectively. See “Setting Inlet Temperature) for information on options.

Changing the Display
The parameters on the display are selected from the following using the
rotary selector knob. Certain items are available on the AUX display by
selecting through the menu.


Top Line

Bottom Line


Fuel Selected

Fuel Indicator

(Scroll selection with the up/down


Natural Gas

arrows and then press the enter key


HOLD” to choose


Light Oil


Petroleum Gas


Heavy Oil


User selectable line 1

User selectable line 2


Fuel selected

Battery level

CO2 / X-Air

CO2 in percentage

Excess Air % (represented by
Greek Lambda )

Eff (Efficiency )

Flue Te m p e rature (TF)

E f f i c i e n cy % (represented by
Greek eta )

T Flue

TF (Flue temp)

Net Te m p e rature (∆T )

T Amb (Ambient) Ambient Temp (or set inlet tempera t u r e Net Te m p e rature (∆T )

See page 7)

O 2 / CO

Measured O2%

Measured CO ppm

Air Fr e e

Calculated value for
CO Air Free (see page 17)

Mem (Memory )

Used to view or delete stored readings

D a t e / T i m e

D a t e

T i m e

S e t u p

Used to setup instrument

Adjustment position for Time,
Date, Te m p e rature scale,
Screen Contrast, Language,
Header, Aux selector display,
or entering Service mode.


P. 3

Flue (Tf) temperature

Mains adapter socket

Flue gas inlet

Water trap drain plug

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