Query parameters – Milestone Retail 2.2 User Manual

Page 7

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Milestone XProtect Retail 2.2; User’s Manual

Page 7

How to Investigate


Select a time span. You can either select Today, Last 48 hours, Last 7 days, Last 14 days,
Last month, Everything or From - To. When choosing From - To the From date picker and
the To date picker will be enabled and you can specify the start and end date for the query

You can either enter the date manually in the From and To fields, or you can click the drop-
down arrow to select the date from a calendar.


Click the Run button.

Query Parameters

If the query has been designed with parameters the Milestone Xprotect Retail application will
present you with the following dialog:

In this dialog the values of the different parameters for the query can be entered. When you have
entered all values click the OK button.