West Control Solutions MRC 5000 Recorder Manual User Manual
Page 15

Section 3 Normal Operation
Assuming that the MODE switch (discussed later) is in the RUN position, on power up, the recorder will display the software
revision, in the format rX.XX, while the pens move to the home position (toward the center of the chart). Then the instrument
will display the model number. Only the first 8 digits will be displayed, 4 digits at a time, for two seconds each. Then the
display will blank while the recorder is measuring the input(s).
Then the pen(s) will go to their proper positions on the chart and the display will show the process value for pen 1 (if config-
ured to display it) and will alternately show the pen 2 value (if it is present and if configured to display it), indicated by the
green, PEN 2 LED. If any alarm is active, the appropriate alarm LED will be lit.
Note: Each time power is applied, the pen(s) will move to the home position (toward the center of the chart) and then position
themselves at the proper place on the chart.
The recorder will operate using the Program Parameters that were last stored in memory. The recorder is shipped from the
factory set up for a Type J thermocouple input, range code 1 (0-1400
°F) on all pens. To modify the input types and ranges,
see Section 4 for detailed instructions.
Located on the backside of the access door (inside the recorder) is a Short Form Programming Card that summerizes the Run
and Program mode information.
See Appendix A for a complete description of the model number and options. See Section 6 for modifying the recorder model
The recorder will display, record, and act upon normal measured values. If an input is above or below the advertised span, the
display will indicate a Hi or Lo condition, respectively. If the input is disconnected (sensor break) or excessively out of range,
SnSr will be displayed.
Relays, alarm LED, and pens will react normally when in a Hi or Lo condition, as if the value was high or low, relative to the
alarm setpoint. In a SnSr condition, relays will be de-energized, alarm LEDs will not be lit, and pens will go upscale.
NOTE: A sensor break can not be detected on zero based Volt and Milliamp inputs (0-5 volts and 0-20mA), as the
divider or shunt resistor, coupled with no input connection, produce a valid input signal of zero.
NOTE: A "Lo" condition can not be detected on zero based Volt, Milliamp, and Millivolt inputs, due to the nature of
the hardware. The instrument will handle slightly negative signals, but more negative inputs will result in the display
indicating a "Hi" condition. Refer to the Spacifications section for more details.
To make chart changing easier, the recorder can move the pens to the outside edge of the chart. It is not necessary to use
this capability. Do so only if you find it more convenient.
DO NOT PUSH THE PENS MANUALLY. This could affect mechanical adjustments or bend the pen arms, adversely affecting
accurate operation.
While the MODE switch is in the RUN position, press the SCROLL key. CC will appear in the display, designating chart
changing. Press the DOWN arrow key. The recorder will move the pens fully upscale. The display will flash CC. Change the
chart per the instructions that follow and then press the DOWN arrow key again. The recorder will resume normal trend
To change the chart, pull up on the chart clip located in the center of the chart. Remove the old chart and place the new chart
on the chart hub. DO NOT press down firmly. The UP arrow key can be used to advance the chart. Every time the UP arrow
key is pressed, the chart will advance one step. Line up the current time on the chart with the chart time arrow located to the
right of the display. Then press the chart down on the chart hub and flip the chart clip to the down position.