Before you begin – Thermo Fisher Scientific RS232C Interface Adapter User Manual

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Devices that can be used with this RS232 Adapter:
91100-50 DuaLogR Thermocouple Thermometer
93210-50 ThermoLogR Thermister Thermometer
93410-50 ThermoLogR RTD Thermometer
37003-02 HumidityLogR Thermohygrometer

pH/ ORP/ Ion/ Conductivity/ TDS/ Salinity/ Resistivity/ Dissolved
Oxygen Handheld Meters:
PCD 650
PC 650 & PD 650
CD 650

pH 620, 610 & 600
COND 610, 600 & DO 600

What this adapter enables you to do:
The RS232 Adapter receives your data via Infrared signals and lets you print
directly through a PC or a microprinter.

What you need before using the adapter:

Your computer must have a serial communications port that can
be set at 300, 600,1200, 2400 baud.

Your computer must have Windows Terminal, Windows
Hyperterminal or other compatible RS232 programs. However, it
is NOT compatible with the Cybercomm software.