Thermo Fisher Scientific CyberScan PC 10 User Manual

Page 14

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Instruction Manual

PC 10

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pH Calibration

This instrument is capable of up to 3-point pH calibration to ensure accuracy across the entire
pH range of the meter. You can perform 1, 2, or 3 point calibration with standard pH buffers of
4.01, 7.00 and 10.00.

We recommend that you perform at least 2-point calibration using standard buffers that covers
the expected sample range. You can also perform a 1-point calibration, but make sure that the
buffer value is close to the sample value you are measuring.

This meter features three pre-programmed pH buffers (pH 4.01, 7.00 and 10.00). The meter
automatically recognizes and calibrates to these standard buffer values, which makes pH
calibration faster and easier.

Calibrating for pH:

1. If necessary, press the MODE key to select pH mode. The pH indicator appears in the

upper right hand corner of the display.

2. Rinse the probe thoroughly with DI water or a rinse solution. Do not wipe the probe; this

causes a build-up of electrostatic charge on the
glass surface.

3. Dip the probe into the calibration buffer. The

end of the probe must be completely immersed
into the sample. Stir the sample using the
probe gently to create a homogeneous sample.

4. Press CAL/MEAS to enter pH calibration mode.

The primary display will show the measured
reading while the smaller secondary display will
indicate the pH standard buffer solution.

See Figure 11.

NOTE: If using a pH buffer other than pH 7,

press the


key to scroll up or

down until the secondary display value

is the same as your pH buffer value

(pH 4.00, 7.00 or 10.00).

5. Wait for the measured pH value to stabilize.

The READY indicator will display when the
reading stabilizes.

See Figure 12.

Figure 11: Calibration at pH 7.00

Figure 12: READY is displayed when

reading is stable