Techne RS232 User Manual

Page 20

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D B - 2 D w i t h R S 2 3 2 O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L

P A G E 18

Over-Temperature Indicator

If the unit should, for any reason, exceed the temperature set for the over-
temperature cutout (see page 16), the over-temperature indicator will light.
The heater will have been switched off and the unit will begin to cool even if
the heater light is on (the light staying on or not depends on which circuit
has sensed an over-temperature).

RS232 Communication with the DB-2D

You can communicate with the DB-2D via a computer and the port on the
back of the Dri-Block using the RS232 cable supplied with the Dri-Block.


The Communication port settings are 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and
one stop bit (9600, n, 8, 1).

Recieving temperatures

The command to recieve the block temperature is the letter T and the Dri-
Block will return a fixed length string: TB+1234.56LF>.

Set temperature

The commend to set the block temperature is the fixed length string:

All transmitted characters are echoed.

Only set temperatures within the operating range of the DB-2D will be

Please note that the alpha characters are always upper case.

This manual is related to the following products: