NSi Industries ELC712 User Manual
Page 17

For flashing day, use the + and - keys and show YES to
select day . Press the NEXT key to advance . Move
through all days and holiday A, B, and C .
Program the turn ON set point and program the turn
OFF set point .
Repeat for each event .
Press the PROGRAM key to go to next mode .
The four holiday types with their priorities are as
SPEC (special) - highest priority
DATE (month/date) - 2nd highest priority
D/WK (day of week) - 3rd highest priority
SPAN (duration) - lowest priority
Special type: These are specific holidays that are
programmed to adjust each as the dates change each
year . Each of the 6 special holidays can either be
assigned as one of the 3 holiday schedules A, B or C or
not selected .
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Thanksgiving Break (Thursday and Friday)
Boxing Day
Victoria Day
Date type: Up to 10 date type (single day) holidays can
be programmed . Each of the 10 holidays can either be
assigned as one of the 3 holiday schedules A, B or C or
not selected . Examples of single day holidays are:
January 01 (New Years Day)
July 04 (Fourth of July)