Lc100, Introduction – Martel Electronics LC100 User Manual

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1. Introduction

The Martel LC100 is designed to be a complete
4 to 20mA current calibrator for both trouble-
shooting and calibrating current loops. Very
high accuracy combined with several unique
features makes the LC100 an easy to use and
highly flexible calibration tool.

The LC100 can source, simulate (2-wire) or
measure loop currents up to 24mA. It can also
measure process signal voltages up to 28VDC
with the same 0.015% of reading accuracy. A
digital knob user interface combined with
decade output control allows the user to make
both large or small output changes with ease.
Several unique functions such as the auto-
step/ramp modes allow the LC100 to test valve
actuators for smoothness and proper operation.

The LC100 can also power two-wire transmit-
ters while simultaneously reading the resultant
loop current. All readings are displayed in both
milliamps and % of span.

1.1 Customer Service

Corporate Office:

e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (603) 434-8179 800-821-0023

Fax: (603) 434-1653

Martel Electronics

3 Corporate Park Drive

Derry, NH 03038