Anritsu AWGN MU368060A User Manual
Page 47

Device Message List by Function
Response message
A response message is returned to the external controller when a query
message is received, which is represented in the form "response header
field + response data section". Multiple response data may be included
by delimiting the response data section by a separator ",". Response data
types are explained below:
[1] Uppercase characters
: reserved word
[2] Numeric
: reserved word
[3] Lowercase characters in the argument section:
f (Frequency)
: numeric data (NR1-format)
Suffix code
: HZ
(Level) (relative form) : numeric data (NR2-format)
Suffix code
: DB
(Level) (absolute form): numeric data (NR2-format)
Suffix code
: DBm
n (integer without unit)
: numeric data (NR1-format)
r (real number without unit) : numeric data (NR2-format)
h (hexadecimal without unit): numeric data (hexadecimal)
When the header is set to Off, the header of the response message
and the suffix code of the numeric data are not outputted. For
header On/Off settings, refer to the "MG3681A Operation Manual."