Detcon TP Transmitter Test Fixture User Manual

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Detcon Model TP Transmitter Test Fixture

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3 - Check the heater voltage. Insert DVM probes into the VOLT “+” and “–“ test points.
Adjust the TEMP potentiometer on the transmitter until you achieve a reading of 5.25V.
Verify that the bridge voltage LED meter on the test fixture tracks closely with a reading
of 5.25V (±0.1V). Verify adjustability to either side of 5.25V.

4 - Check zero signal output. Verify SW1 is in the “0” position. Insert DVM probes into
the signal “+” and “–“ test points. Verify a reading of 40mV. Verify a mA output LED
meter reading of 4.0mA (±0.1mA).

5 - Perform span cal. Turn SW1 to the “25” position. With the DVM probes in the signal
“+” and “–“ test points, adjust the SPAN-COARSE potentiometer on the transmitter
until you achieve a reading of 80mV. Verify that the mA output LED meter tracks closely
with a reading of 8.0mA. Verify adjustability to either side of 80mV. Do the same with
the FINE potentiometer to check adjustability.

6 - Check different ranges. Turn SW1 to the 10 position and verify a signal of
56mV/5.6mA (±10%). Turn SW1 to the 50 position and verify a signal of 120mV/
12.0mA (±10%). Turn SW1 to the 100 position and verify a signal of 200mV/20.0mA

7 - Check heater fault (open heater). Toggle SW2 to the OPEN position and note the
“HET FLT” LED on the transmitter illuminates and the DVM signal reading drops
several mV. Also note that the heater voltage LED display indicates a reading of 0.00
and the mA output LED reading tracks with the mV reading. Return SW2 to the
NORMAL position.

8 - Check signal fault (open film). Turn SW1 to the OPEN FILM position and note that
the “SIG FLT” LED on the transmitter illuminates. The DVM signal reading will also
drop several mV. Note that the mA output LED reading tracks with the mV output
reading. Return SW1 to the “0” position.

4.2 TP-524x Transmitters

Require tools:
Detcon PN 327-000000-000 MicroSafe™ Programming Magnet

NOTE: These instructions cover testing of the main features of the TP-524x transmitter.
See the applicable TP-524x instruction manual for a complete list of program features
and detailed operating procedures.

1 - Turn the power switch on. Both digital LED meters should illuminate.

2 - Plug the TP-524x transmitter into P1.

3 - Set the heater voltage.