GLOBALSAT GB-580 User manual User Manual
Page 41

Page 41
10.) Q: How to edit and upload waypoints through the software?
A: To Edit Waypoints, see steps below:
(1) From Track Records, select the training file that you want to browse.
(2) Click Waypoints in the function bar and you will see all the waypoints. Right-click on
one of the waypoints to edit its contents.
(3) Press the Save button when you're done.
To Upload Waypoints, refer to the procedures below:
(1) Select the waypoints that you want to transfer to the device.
(2) To upload, you can do this by going to Data Transmission > Way Points > Upload to
(3) In the watch, please enter CONFIGURATION > CONNECT TO PC.
(4) Afterwards, it should show that you successfully uploaded the waypoint into the
11.) Q: What formats of the training file do the software supports?
A: It can save or open a training record as or from the following formats: .kml, .nmea, .gpx,
csv, and .txt.
To open a file, go to File > Open. Choose a certain file you want to open.
To save a file, select one training file you want to save. Go to File > Save. Choose a certain
file type you want to save it as.
12.) Q: How to import or export the training records from or to an activity file?
A: To import the training records from a specific file (.ACT):
Go to Main > Import Activity. Choose the file you want to import.
To export the training records to a specific file (.ACT):
Choose one training file you want to export. Go to Main > Export Activity > Activity Details.
Input additional note. Click OK.
13.) Q: Why does it always show "Application database not ready" whenever I execute the
A: Please try the following:
(1) Navigate to the Services Setting by going to START > Control Panel > System &
Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Services.
(2) Find out service name MySQL1.
(3) Select MySQL1 and click Start to connect it.
(4) Please try to open up the program again.
14.) Q: How do I check the firmware version of my watch?