Body mass index (bmi), Evaluating body mass index for adults – Seca 769 User Manual

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Model 769



Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index puts height and weight in relationship to one another, providing more

accurate information than ideal Broca weight, for example. A tolerance range is given

which is considered ideal for health.
– Press the Start key with no load on the






appear con-

secutively in the display. The scale is

then automatically set to zero and ready for operation.

– Press the

FUNC key.

On the display, you will see the last

height entered.

– You can change the value in 1 cm incre-

ments using the arrow keys.

– Once the correct value is set, press the

FUNC key again. The BMI function is

now activated.

– Ask the patient to mount the scale.

Once on the scale, the patient should

stand still.

– Read off the BMI on the digital display

and compare it with the categories on
page 17.

– To return to normal weighing mode,

press the

FUNC key.

– To switch off the scale, press the Start

key again.

Evaluating Body Mass Index for adults:

Compare the value determined with the categories quoted below which correspond to

those used by WHO, 2000.
• BMI below 18.5:

Warning, this patient weighs too little. There could be a tendency to anorexia. An in-
crease in weight is recommended to improve well-being and performance. If in doubt,

consult a specialist.

• BMI between 18.5 and 24.9:

The patient is of a normal weight. He can stay as he his.

• BMI between 25 and 30 (pre-obese):

The patient is slightly to moderately overweight. He should cut his weight if he is al-
ready ill (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, gout, fat metabolism disorders).

• BMI over 30:

Weight reduction is essential. Metabolism, cardiovascular system and bones are all un-
der strain. A consistent diet, plenty of movement and behavioural training are all rec-
ommended. If in doubt, consult a specialist.