Model set2-a, Sanitary type 3, Service and operating manual

520-117-000 5/99
Model SET2-A Type 3 Page 1
WARREN RUPP, INC. A Unit of IDEX Corporation • P.O. Box 1568 • Mansfield, Ohio 44901 USA • (419) 524-8388 Fax (419) 522-7867
The photos shown in this manual are for general instruction only. Your specific model may
not be shown. Always refer to the parts list and exploded view drawing for your specific
model when installing, disassembling or servicing your pump.
All SandPIPER pumps, including this Spill Containment model, operate on the same basic
principle. They are powered by compressed air which alternately pressurizes the inner
sides of the two diaphragm chambers while simultaneously exhausting the opposite inner
chambers causing the diaphragms, which are connected by a shaft, to move endwise.
Since air pressure is applied over the entire surface of the diaphragm which is forcing
liquid to be discharged by its other side, the diaphragm is operating under a balanced
condition during the discharge stroke. This allows the unit to be operated at discharge
heads over 200 feet (61 meters) of water head.
Alternate pressurizing and exhausting of the diaphragm chamber is performed by an
externally mounted, pilot-operated, four way, spool type air distribution valve. When the
spool is at one end of the valve body, inlet air pressure is connected to one diaphragm
chamber and the other diaphragm chamber is connected to the exhaust. When the spool
is removed to the opposite end of the valve body, the porting of chambers is reversed.
The air distribution valve spool is moved from one end position to the other in the valve
body by means of an internal pilot valve which alternately pressurizes the ends of the air
distribution valve spool while simultaneously exhausting the other ends. The pilot valve is
positively shifted at each end of the diaphragm stroke by the diaphragm plate’s coming in
contact with the end of the pilot valve spool and pushing it into position for shifting of the
air distribution valve. The chambers are manifolded together with a suction and discharge
check valve for each chamber to maintain flow in one direction through the pump.
This SandPIPER pump differs from others only in that it utilizes four diaphragms instead
of two, the two rod-connected diaphragms being the driver diaphragms, and the other two
(outermost) diaphragms being the actual pumping diaphragms. Each driver diaphragm
(of Neoprene or other elastomer), and the pumping diaphragm (of Teflon), are separated
by a chamber filled with liquid which transmits the reciprocating motion of the driver
diaphragm to the pumping diaphragm. The Teflon pumping diaphragms, in turn, create
the alternating suction and discharge action to each outer diaphragm chamber. The outer
diaphragms are the only ones in contact with the liquid being pumped.
Position the pump as close as possible to the source of the liquid to be pumped. Avoid
long or undersize suction lines and use the minimum number of fittings. High vacuums
reduce flow rate capability and shorten driver diaphragm service life. Suction head is
not recommended except where NPSH might so dictate.
For permanent installations involving rigid piping, install short flexible sections of hose
between the pump and piping. This reduces strains and permits easier removal of the
pump for service when required.
At time of installation, inspect all external gasketed
fasteners for looseness caused by gasket creep. Tighten loose fittings securely
to prevent leakage.
If you prefer to substitute another liquid, to prevent system contamination consult the
factory first to determine compatibility of the substitute with pump construction.
Follow the steps listed below to replace the liquid in the pump after disassembly or
liquid loss:
1. Filling is accomplished through the pipe plugs at the top of the liquid spill containment
chamber. Remove the plugs.
Sanitary Type 3
Model SET2-A
I n t h e e v e n t o f
diaphragm rupture,
pumped material may
enter the air end of
the pump, and be
discharged into the atmosphere. The air
exhaust must be piped to an appropriate
area for safe disposition.
Before maintenance
or repair, shut off the
com-pressed air line,
bleed the pressure,
and disconnect the
air line from the pump.
The discharge line may be pressurized
and must be bled of its pressure.
B e f o r e p u m p
operation, inspect all
gasketed fasteners
for looseness caused
by gasket creep.
Re-torque loose fasteners to prevent
leakage. Follow recommended torques
stated in this manual.
Read these safety
w a r n i n g s a n d
instructions in this
manual completely,
before installation and start-up of the pump.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to
retain this manual for reference. Failure to
comply with the recommendations stated
in this manual will damage the pump, and
void factory warranty.
Take action to prevent
static sparking. Fire
or explosion can
result, especially
w h e n h a n d l i n g
flammable liquids.
T h e p u m p , p i p i n g , v a l v e s ,
containers or other miscellaneous
e q u i p m e n t m u s t b e g r o u n d e d .