Model eh2-m & sh2-m, Service and operating manual, Principle of operation

Model EH2-M & SH2-M Page 1
This pump is a 2:1 pressure ratio single acting pump powered by compressed air.
The 2:1 ratio is achieved by simultaneously applying air pressure over a single end
of each of two pistons connected in series by a shaft. The two pressurized ends are
those most distant from the pumped fluid, with the force from the air pressure exerted
in the direction of the pumped fluid. The combined force is transferred through to the
single end of the piston nearer to the pumped fluid—the single piston end having an
area equal to one-half that of the two “air” ends—and then through a fluid cell to a
single pumping diaphragm.
On this single acting pump the suction stroke is independent of all discharge
conditions and requires less air pressure than the discharge stroke. The suction
stroke is accomplished through an air regulator which pressurizes the piston area
in the rear cylinder adjacent to the intermediate bracket, while simultaneously
exhausting the other two piston areas: one in the front cylinder, adjacent to the
intermediate bracket, and the other behind the rear cylinder piston, adjacent to the
cap end.
The regulator is factory preset to 30 psi. After the pump is installed and in
operation, the operator should raise or lower the setting until maximum
performance is determined by trial and error. A setting which is too high will result
in excessively rapid and noisy operation, with a loss in performance and eventually
shortened pump life.
The hose assemblies deliver air to the non-wetted portions of the pump, and care
should be taken that they are neither crimped nor cut.
Position the pump as close as possible to the source of the liquid to be pumped.
Avoid long or undersize suction lines and use the minimum number of fittings.
For permanent installation involving rigid piping, install short flexible sections
of hose between the pump and piping. This reduces strains and permits easier
removal of the pump for service when required.
Do not connect the unit to an air supply in excess of 125 PSI (8.61 bars).
Install a shutoff valve in the air supply line to permit removal of the unit for servic-
ing. When connecting an air supply of rigid piping, mount a section of flexible line
to the pump to eliminate piping strain. In permanent installations, an air line filter is
Icing of the air exhaust can occur under certain conditions of temperature and
humidity on compressed air power equipment. Icing is more likely to occur at
high discharge pressures. Use of the Warren Rupp Air Dryer should eliminate the
When the pump is used for materials that tend to settle out or transform from liquid
to solid form, care must be taken after each use or during idle time to remove them
and flush the pump as required to prevent damage. In freezing temperatures the pump
must be completely drained when idle. This model must be tilted to allow the liquid
from the chambers to run out of the discharge port.
I n t h e e v e n t o f
diaphragm rupture,
pumped material may
enter the air end of
the pump, and be
discharged into the atmosphere. The air
exhaust must be piped to an appropriate
area for safe disposition.
Before maintenance
or repair, shut off the
com-pressed air line,
bleed the pressure,
and disconnect the air
line from the pump.
The discharge line may be pressurized
and must be bled of its pressure.
B e f o r e p u m p
operation, inspect all
gasketed fasteners
for looseness caused
by gasket creep.
Re-torque loose fasteners to prevent
leakage. Follow recommended torques
stated in this manual.
Take action to prevent
static sparking. Fire
or explosion can
result, especially
w h e n h a n d l i n g
flammable liquids.
T h e p u m p , p i p i n g , v a l v e s ,
containers or other miscellaneous
e q u i p m e n t m u s t b e g r o u n d e d .
Read these safety
w a r n i n g s a n d
instructions in this
manual completely,
before installation and start-up of the pump.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to
retain this manual for reference. Failure to
comply with the recommendations stated
in this manual will damage the pump, and
void factory warranty.
Model EH2-M & SH2-M
II 2G c T5
II 3/2 G c T5
Warren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation • 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA
Telephone (419) 524-8388 • Fax (419) 522-7867 •
Pump not designed,
tested or certified
to be powered
by compressed
n a t u r a l g a s .
Powering the pump with natural gas will
void the warranty.