Ap – cd – Apple Mac Performa 5300CD User Manual
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troubleshooting 38, 60, 62, 64, 66
unable to find or open 60
unable to start 57
working with several at a time 39–40
arrow, on screen. See pointer
arrow keys 111
arrows, scroll 13
assistance when you have questions 16
audio compact discs (CDs) 43, 46
playing 47
troubleshooting problems with 70
audio tracks on CD-ROM discs 46,
opening data files and 70
unable to hear 70
backing up 40
backup copy, restoring information
Balloon Help 26
basic skills
with mouse 12–13
tutorial review 12–13
for Ethernet network 115
safety precautions 89
Caps Lock key 111
carrying the computer 2
CD-ROM disc. See Macintosh Performa
CD disc
audio tracks on 43, 70
automatically ejected without error
avoiding startup from 67, 68
cleaning 69, 91
document on won’t open 69
ejecting 45, 67–68, 93
handling 91–92
inserting 44
not recognized as Macintosh 69
shared 45, 50, 66
software for non-standard formats
standard file formats for 46
troubleshooting problems with 68–71
ejecting disc and 45, 69
not on desktop 45, 67