F l –h – Apple Mac Performa 5300CD User Manual
Page 133

fonts, in QuickDraw GX program 37
foreign languages, typing in 113–114
frozen pointer 51, 62
function keys 112
graphics, Photo CD images as source
grounding plug 1, 4, 89
Guide (h) menu 16
Drive Setup Guide 58
icon for 13
Macintosh Guide 17–25
Shortcuts 27–28
Show/Hide Balloons 26
hard disk
backing up files on 40, 41
initializing 79–80
installing application programs on 38
installing system software on 81
rebuilding desktop of 54
reinitializing 79–80
repairing 78–79
hard disk drive (internal)
adding or replacing 35
location of 31
reinitializing 79–80
repairing 78–79
troubleshooting 73, 77
carrying 2
cleaning 94–98
connecting other equipment 7, 31
described ix, x, 30–31
for Ethernet connection 115
safety precautions 88, 89
hardware requirements
floating-point unit (FPU) 62
for PowerPC applications 42
headphone jack 30
health-related information 83–87
help 17–28
Balloon 26
Guide (h) menu for 17
Macintosh Guide for 18–25. See also
Macintosh Guide
Performa Tutorial for 12
Shortcuts 27–28
sources for 16
Hide Balloons (Guide menu) 26
Hide Others (Application menu) 40
hiding windows 40
Hierarchical File System (HFS) format
High Sierra format for CD-ROM
problems using discs with 69–70
hotline for support 16
“Huh?” button 25