Do – fl – Apple Mac Performa 5300CD User Manual
Page 132

DOC statement vii
backing up 40
on CD-ROM disc, unable to open 69
unable to find or open 64
DOS disk, unable to read 59
DOS document, unable to open 64, 65
Drive Setup program
hard disk icon doesn’t appear 58
initializing a hard disk 79–80
testing a hard disk 77
Eject CD command 45, 67
ejecting CD-ROM discs 45, 67–68,
ejecting a floppy disk 38
electromagnetic emissions 87
electronic mail (e-mail), PowerTalk
Enter key 112
error messages, responding to 51, 52.
See also troubleshooting
Escape key 112
Ethernet network, connecting to
EtherTalk Phase 2 support 116
expansion cards, installing 99–109
closing the computer 107–109
communication card 105–106
LC-PDS card 104–105
opening the computer 101–103
types of cards 99
Extensions Manager control panel, for
external monitor, connecting 117–118
external video connector 31
external video connector kit 99, 117
eye fatigue, avoiding 85
fatigue, avoiding 87
FCC statement vi
file formats for CD-ROM
discs 46–47
not recognized by Macintosh 69
problems with 69–71
files, backing up 40
files on CD-ROM discs 46
Finder, making active program 18
floating-point unit (FPU), requirement
floppy disk
backing up files on 40, 41
ejection problems 93
handling 91
inserting and ejecting 38
rebuilding desktop of 54
repairing 78–79
startup problems with 56
unable to read 59