Se – sy – Apple Mac Performa 5300CD User Manual
Page 138

adjusting screen angle 7
connecting mouse and keyboard 5–6
connecting other equipment 7, 31
connecting to network 115–116
plugging in the computer 1, 3–4
troubleshooting startup problems 10
turning on computer 8–9
shared libraries 66
Shift key 112
Shortcuts 27–28
Show All (Application menu) 40
Show Balloons (Guide menu) 26
Shut Down (Apple menu) 14
Shut Down (Special menu) 14
Simple Text program 47
single-session discs 49
size box 13
slots 99
Small Computer System Interface. See
SCSI devices
software. See application programs
software compatibility ix
Extensions Manager control panel
floating-point unit (FPU) and 60
older Macintosh programs 42, 66
adjusting 32
recording 34
recording from audio CD,
troubleshooting problems
with 70
sound control buttons 30, 32
sound input port 31
sound output port 31
special characters, typing 113–114
special key combinations 114
special keys 111–112
Special menu
locating 14
Restart 53
Shut Down 14
speed, problems with 72
starting the computer 8–9, 15
from a CD-ROM disc 74–76
for eliminating a problem 56
troubleshooting 10, 67–71
startup disk, rebuilding desktop of 54
stereo speakers 30
support, sources of 16
switching between programs 39
symbols, typing 113–114
system extensions, startup problems and
System Folder
backing up and restoring 41
extra copy warning 38
system software
installing or reinstalling 81
problems with 56, 57, 62, 63