LT Security LTN7732-P8 Platinum Setup Guide User Manual
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A u t h o r – R y a n D L a n g
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P a g e
Scanning from the IP Tool (SADP)
Platinum devices. This allows configuration of the IP addresses for IP
cameras, NVRs, and even DVRs.
The devices should show up automatically. It checks every few
seconds. Click refresh to force it to check again and to remove devices
that are no longer there.
Click on a device to see its current information.
The device’s IP address and Gateway (router) can be set from here.
The device’s password must be entered for changes to be accepted.
The default password is:
The “Port:” is the server port used by the NVMS7000 or by the NVR.
The “Port:” is not the web (HTTP) port.