Introduction, 4 software release data, 5 welding equipment requirements – Lincoln Electric IM649 Wave Designer User Manual

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In Windows NT 4.0

log on as Administrator
Start | Settings | Control Panel | System | Performance
Virtual Memory Change... | Initial Size (MB): 100 | Set | OK
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An RS-232 serial communication cable is required to use

Wave Designer software with Power

Wave power sources. The Power Wave requires an RS-232 DB25 male connector. Most
computers feature an RS-232 DB-9 female connector as the COM serial port. (e.g. Radio Shack
cat no. 26-269 serial cable connects to this combination). Verify the set up on your computer as
it may differ.

We recommend using an 800 x 600 pixel or larger display monitor. A 640 x 480 display will not
show all the features of the

Wave Designer Editor Screens.


Wave Designer is a product of The Lincoln Electric Company. Please send your comments,
questions, suggestions, and problem reports to [email protected].

Refer to the

Wave Designer Welcome screen for the applicable release version of the Wave

Designer software package. Wave Designer is a JAVA (TM) application (applet) and it comes
bundled with Java Runtime Environment (JRE Version 1.1.6) from SUN Microsystems. You may
directly download JRE from More information
about JAVA technology can be found at the web site.


Wave Designer works only with the Power Wave 455 or similar Lincoln Electric Company
Programmable Waveform Controlled welding systems. The following welding equipment is
required to interface with

Wave Designer and to produce sample welds.

power source (Power Wave 455 or similar)

wire feeder and associated gears and drive rolls (Power Feed 10 or similar)

welding gun

regulated supply of shielding gas

continuous-feed electrode

interconnecting hoses and cables

sample weld materials

oscilloscope (optional)


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