Operation, Warning – Lincoln Electric IM543 MAGNUM PCT125_PCT125M User Manual

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Refer to your Pro-Cut operator’s manual for complete
operating information.

When plasma cutting, it is necessary to wear
proper eye, head and body protection.

A. Connect the work lead to the material to be cut.

B. Assemble an electrode, swirl ring, nozzle and shield

cup on the torch.

C. Turn the Pro-Cut “ON” with the power switch on the

front of the Pro-Cut.

D. Flip the Run/Purge switch to PURGE. Adjust the

regulator until the pressure gage reads 55-65 psi
(379-448 kPa.) Flip the Run/Purge switch to RUN.
Air will continue to flow for 60 seconds because the
Pro-Cut will be in post flow.

E. Adjust the output to the desired level. Refer to the

appropriate Lincoln Process and Procedure
Guidelines for recommended output, standoff, noz-
zle and cutting technique for your application.

F. Activate the trigger.

If the air was not already flowing, the Pro-Cut will
allow the air to flow for two seconds before the
pilot arc is started. This is called PREFLOW.

If the trigger was activated during the first twelve
seconds of postflow then a pilot arc will start

• To start an arc after the first twelve seconds of

postflow it will be necessary to perform a double
trigger pull consisting of activating, releasing and
activating the triggering within a one second

G Bring the pilot arc close to the material to be cut.

Once the torch is about 1/8" to 1/4" (3 mm to 6 mm)
away from the work piece the arc will automatically
transfer to the work and the Pro-Cut will regulate
output to the setting on the dial (or to the signal from
an interface kit.) It is best to minimize the pilot arc
time in order to prolong consumable life. Starting at
the edge of the work piece instead of piercing the
material increases consumable life also.

H. Release the trigger when the cut is complete. Air

will continue to flow for 60 seconds to cool the torch.
This is called POSTFLOW.