Caution – Lincoln Electric IM480 CV-400 User Manual

Page 23

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What To Do

Machine has low output and no con-

Machine does not have maximum

Machine will not shut off.

Variable or sluggish welding arc.

Output control not functioning on the

1. Output Control “Local-Remote”

switch (S2) in wrong position.

2. Output Control switch faulty.

3. Open in feedback circuitry.

4. Faulty Control PC Board.

5. Output control potentiometer cir-

cuit open (Lead 75).

1. One input fuse blown.

2. One phase of main transformer


3. Faulty Control PC Board.

4. Output control potentiometer


5. Output control potentiometer

Leads 210, 211, or 75 open.

1. Input contactor contacts frozen.
2. Defective Power “I/O

switch, (S1).

1. Poor work or electrode connec-


2. Welding leads too small.

3. Welding current or voltage too


4. Defective main SCR bridge.

1. Output Control “Local-Remote”

switch (S2) in wrong position.

2. Faulty Output Control switch.
3. Faulty Output Control potentiometer.

4. Leads or connections open in

control circuit.

5. Faulty Control PC Board.

1. Check position of switch.

2. Check switch and replace if


3. Check wiring and control PC

Board wiring harness plugs.

4. Replace. See Procedure for

Replacing PC Boards.

5. Check and replace potentiometer

if faulty. Check wiring of Lead

1. Check and replace if blown after

checking for reason for blown

2. Check for open and repair.

3. Replace. See Procedure for

Replacing PC Boards.

4. Check and replace if faulty.

5. Check and repair broken leads.

1. Check and replace if necessary.
2. Replace.

1. Check and clean all connections.

2. Check table in instruction manual.

3. Check procedures for recom-

mended settings.

4. Check and replace if defective.

1. Place switch in “Local”.

2. Check and replace if found faulty.
3. Check and replace if found faulty.

4. Check lead continuity and con-

nections for an open and repair if

5. Replace. See Procedure for

Replacing PC Boards.

If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, con-
tact your local Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.