Ypixel, Index, Animated – PrehKeyTec MCI TouchKey User Manual
Page 25
Position vertical.
Range 0-240.
This index represents that of the graphic in the TouchKey device. The graphics must
be loaded into the TouchKey before they can be used. Consult the section Loading
graphics for more information on how to do this.
Defines if the graphic is animated (true) or not (false).
Sample layout
The graphic on the left has the
following configuration: It is saved as
"L1_gfx.xml". The graphic is then
displayed in layout "L1". This graphic is
stored within the memory of the
TouchKey using the index 0 and it is
not an animated graphic. Below is the
text for the XML file representing the
configuration of the graphic.
PrehKeyTec GmbH
MCI_TouchKey_TechDoc_RevC_en.doc - 2011-02-09
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