SABINE FBX 2410 User Manual
Page 5

1 Sabine, Inc.
4.2. How to operate your FBX2410
Place equipment & make connections.
a. Patch your FBX2410 into system and make all connections (refer to
pages 2 and 3 for connection options).
b. Place speakers and microphones in performance positions.
c. Set Input and Output levels on FBX back panel (see Section 5.1.1.
for details). Start with all buttons pushed in.
d. If you are using a graphic EQ, adjust only for the desired tonal quali-
e. Adjust the level for each mixer channel, and set the sound system’s
master volume to minimum.
Push SETUP button until all LEDs stop flashing and the
SETUP light stays lit.
Setup mode clears all Fixed & Dynamic filters.
Do not use Setup mode during your performance.
Slowly raise the gain on the mixer or amp until the FBX
eliminates the first few feedback tones.
DO NOT TALK INTO THE MICS. The FBX will quickly begin to find and remove
feedback. The first Fixed filter set will be heard as a quiet feedback chirp and
shown as an amber LED. As you slowly raise the gain, more feedback chirps
will be heard, and more amber LEDs will light.
a. If you are using stationary microphones:
Continue raising the gain until all filter LEDs cycle back and forth in
sequence. This is your indication that the FBX is exiting setup mode.
IMPORTANT: Reduce gain slightly. You are now in
READY (perfor-
mance) mode, with the Fixed filters locked and the blue Ready light
on. Begin the show!
b. If you are using wireless microphones:
You can get more gain in a variety of locations. To do this, lower the system
gain after the first few filters are set, then move the microphone to another area
where it will be used and raise the gain slowly as before. Repeat this process
while you
continue raising the gain until all filter LEDs cycle back and forth
in sequence. This is your indication that the FBX is exiting setup mode.
IMPORTANT: Reduce gain slightly. You are now in
READY (perfor-
mance) mode, with the Fixed filters locked and the blue Ready light
on. Begin the show!
You may quit Setup mode at any time prior to its automatic exit by simply
pressing the
READY button (blue READY LED will flash). Press it again at
any time to lock the Fixed filters (blue READY LED stays on). Whether locked
or unlocked, pressing the READY button before Setup mode automatically
finishes will enable ready-to-operate status, but with fewer fixed FBX filters
in place. Dynamic FBX filters are still available to eliminate new feedback,
regardless of how or when
SETUP mode is exited. Begin the show!
If you do not have time to use Setup Mode:
Push Setup button until all LEDs stop flashing and the SETUP light flashes on
its own, then press the READY button -- the blue LED flashes indicating the
fixed filters are unlocked. Begin your show, and once several fixed filters are
set we recommend you lock them by pushing ready again (blue LED stays lit).
You won't get all the potential benefit of increased gain before feedback, but
you will get automatic feedback control during your performance.
Follow these procedures to get maximum gain before feedback
Fixed & Dynamic Filters
Front panel filter LEDs
lighting as gain is raised
and Fixed filters are set.
a. Set up one FBX channel at a
TEM while in Setup mode.
c. See Section 5.2. FBX Filter Con-
trol for information on:
• Changing the number of Fixed
vs. Dynamic filters
• Selecting and mixing 1/10- &
1/5-octave filters
Power Tips
Section 4.1.3. for details on
the differences between Fixed and
Dynamic FBX filters, and
5.2.2. for instructions on changing
the balance of Fixed versus Dy-
namic filters.
Fixed, Locked RED
Steady BLUE
Fixed, Unlocked AMBER
Flash BLUE
Dynamic GREEN
FBX Filters LEDs
Ready LED