Nexo RS User Manual
Page 3

With RAY SUB patented technology, NEXO is again moving one step forward. RAY SUB
technology is about optimizing positioning and phase relationship of radiating surfaces in
vented enclosures, so that acoustic distance from rear to front sections always increases
as frequency decreases; consequently, rear and front section always sum up efficiently –
typically 5 dB gain from rear section in the forward direction – and cancel in the
rearward direction.
Used as a single cabinet, RAY SUB Technology allows the same cabinet to be configured
for any polar pattern, omnidirectional as a standard direct radiating subwoofer when
speakers are facing the audience, or highly directional when cabinet is rotated speakers
sideways or upwards.
Used in arrays, RAY SUB subwoofers can be set back to back, front to front, in vertical
columns, and beam-steered upwards or downwards provided column length is sufficient.
NEXO RAY SUB technology brings a never achieved low frequency directional control to
the sound reinforcement industry, raising one more time NEXO standards.