Controls and connections – PreSonus Studio Channel User Manual
Page 10
| PreSonus 2007
Soft. The Soft button selects Soft Knee and Hard Knee compression curves. When this button is pushed
in, Soft knee compression curves are used, otherwise hard knee compression curves are used. With Hard
knee compression, the gain reduction applied to the signal occurs as soon as the signal exceeds the level
set by the threshold. With Soft knee compression, the onset of gain reduction occurs gradually after the
signal has exceeded the threshold.
Auto. The Auto button places the compressor in automatic attack and release mode. The Attack and
Release knobs become inoperative and a preprogrammed Attack and Release curve is used instead.
EQ>Compressor. This button places the EQ before the Compressor in the signal path. By default the
Studio Channel’s signal path is as follows:
GR>Meter. This button changes the VU metering to read the Gain Reduction of the Compressor rather
than the output level of the Studio Channel.
Compressor Bypass. This button bypasses the compressor.
2.1.3 Parametric EQ
EQ Bypass. The button bypasses the EQ. When both the Compressor and the EQ are bypassed the
Studio Channel acts as Tube Preamplifier only.
Low Band Frequency. Sets the Center Frequency of the “Q” or frequency range width of the Low Band
EQ. You can adjust the center frequency from 20 to 300 Hz.
Low Band Peak Button. By default, the Low EQ is set as a shelving EQ. When the peak button is
enabled, the Low Band EQ becomes a standard peak equalizer with a fixed Q of 0.7.
Low Band Gain. Sets the Gain attenuation or boost of the Q. The level of the center frequency can be
set between -10 and +10 dB.
Mid Band Frequency. Sets the Center Frequency of the “Q” or frequency range width of the Mid Band
EQ. You can adjust the center frequency from 200 to 3 kHz.
Mid Band Gain. Sets the Gain attenuation or boost of the Q. The level of the center frequency can be
set between -10 and +10 dB.