Virtual soundcheck — 25, Setting up your virtual soud check — 25, 5virtual soundcheck – PreSonus StudioLive 16.0.2 User Manual
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Virtual Soundcheck
Setting up your Virtual Soud Check
2.0 Software
Reference Manual
Virtual Soundcheck
Setting up your Virtual Soud Check
We’ve all been there. The drummer is stuck in traffic. The guitarist is stuck at work.
And you’re stuck at front-of-house (FOH) with a hyped up lead singer and bass
player and no way to dial in a FOH mix, let alone set up the singer’s in-ear mix.
Don’t panic! With Capture 2.0’s Virtual Soundcheck mode, dialing a good rough
mix without the band—or with half the band missing—is quick and simple.
1. To begin, create a new Session, preferably metatagged with the Artist,
Performance, and Location information.
2. From your empty Session, click on the Soundcheck Mode button
in the upper right hand corner of the Session page.
3. Capture will automatically search your computer for Sessions and will open a
list from which you can choose a Session to use for Virtual Soundcheck.
4. Select the Session you would like to use and click “OK.”