2 detailed description of functions, Serial port, Gp-ib communication – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual
Page 22: Ethernet communication, Wt settings, 2 detailed description of functions -2, Serial port -2, Gp-ib communication -2, Ethernet communication -2, Wt settings -2

IM WX1-03E
Detaled Descrpton of Functons
Seral Port
The communications ports available to GateWT are the COM1–COM9 serial (RS-232)
ports. The user must enter the following port settings.
• Use/Do not use (ON/OFF)
• Baud rate :
Select 4800, 9600, or 19200
• Data length : Fixed at 8
• Parity :
Fixed at NONE
• Stop bit :
Fixed at 1
GP-IB Communcaton
GateWT can use GP-IB addresses 1–30.
Ethernet Communcaton
The WT1600, WT1800, and WT500 can perform Ethernet communications. Enter the IP
address or host name, user name (only WT1600), and password
(only WT1600).
WT Settngs
GateWT allows simultaneous connection with any combination of 16 of the following
instruments: WT110, WT110E, WT130, WT200, WT210, WT230, WT500, WT1010,
WT1030, WT1030M, WT1600, WT1800,
WT2010, or WT2030.
The user must enter the following on the WTs to be accessed.
• Choose a communication method (COMx , GP
IB, or Ethernet)
Communications mode :
Address :
For RS-232 (for instruments other than the WT1600)
Communications mode :
Handshaking :
Format :
Delimiter :
Cr + Lf
Baud rate :
4800, 9600, 19200
For RS-232 (WT1600)
Communication mode :
Handshaking :
Format :
Delimiter :
Baud rate :
4800, 9600, 19200
For Ethernet : Enter the following settings.
When Using DHCP
Domain name
Primary DNS server address
Secondary DNS server address
Primary domain suffix
Secondary domain suffix
When Using DNS
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
When connecting with DAQLOGGER to acquire data from the WT, if the number of channels
set on the WT Setting tab exceeds 1600, 1600 channels of data is sent to DAQLOGGER,
starting with the first channel of the instrument of the smallest system number. Also, if an error
occurs on an instrument during the first communication and communication is restored by
executing a communication retry, connection is possible with that instrument in 1 scan mode
without any channels being cut out.