Atlantis A02-PL303-WN User Manual
Page 48

9.14 Administration -> Firmware Upgrade
Upgrading the newly improved version of the firmware allows you to get the
advantage to use newly integrated features.
Restart Device with: To choose “Factory Default Settings” or “Current Settings”
which uses your current setting on the new firmware (it is highly advised to use
Factory Default Settings over Current Settings for a clean firmware upgrade).
Clicking on Browse allows you to select the new firmware image file you have
downloaded to your PC. Once the correct file is selected, click Upgrade to update
the firmware in your router.
Then click Upgrade.
Do NOT upgrade firmware on any Atlantis product over a wireless
Failure of the device may result. Use only hard-wired network
Restore a saved configuration file generated with another firmware
version may render your Router unstable and prevent some functions
from working properly. After upgrading you must reset the router to
factory default settings, then manually re-enter your settings.
Please pay attention. In case electrical shutdown, during this
procedure, this product could be not usable.
When uploading software to the device, it is important not to interrupt
the Web browser by closing the window or loading a new page. If the
browser is interrupted, it may corrupt the software
The system will automatically reboot once the upgrade is complete. You will be
returned to the Status page.