Watlow Series 96/97 User Manual
Field-expandable output modules

Instruction Sheet for All Series 96 and 97 Controllers
Field-Expandable Output Modules
0600-0002-0000 Rev A
September 1997 (1383)
Watlow Controls
1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580
Winona, Minnesota USA 55987-5580
Phone: (507) 454-5300
Fax: (507) 452-4507
Table 1 — Output modules with four-letter identity
codes (located on the back of each board) and model
number codes
Output Slot location is based on model number:
9 X X X - __ __ __ __ - 0 0 X X
Output Slot 1 2 3 4
= Applicable slot for each module.
C - DCSW; Open Collector
9 6 X X -
★ ★
X X - 0 0 X X (Slot 1 or 2)
9 7 X X - D
X X - 0 0 X X (Slot 2)
Specification: 42V
@ 200mA max. ext. supply;
22 to 28V
@ 30mA internal supply
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0001
D - MRLY; Mechanical Relay
9 6 X X —
★ ★
— 0 0 X X (Slot 1,2,4)
9 7 X X — D
— 0 0 X X (Slot 1,2,4)
Note: Series 97 requires MRLY in Output #1.
Specification: Form C, 2A, w/o RC suppression
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0002
D - MR3; Mechanical Relay
9 6 X X - X X
X - 0 0 X X (Slot 3 only)
9 7 X X - D X
X - 0 0 X X (Slot 3 only)
Note: MR3 requires the 5-pin terminal block.
Specification: Form C, 2A, w/o RC suppression
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0003
F - PROC; Process
9 6 X X -
★ ★
X X - 0 0 X X (Slot 1 or 2)
9 7 X X - D X X X - 0 0 X X; (None)
Note: PROC prohibited in Series 97
Specification: Universal process
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0004
K - SSR; Solid-state Relay
9 6 X X -
★ ★
X X - 0 0 X X (Slot 1 or 2)
9 7 X X - D
X X - 0 0 X X (Slot 2)
Specification: 0.5A, w/o RC suppression
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0005
M - PROC; Retransmit
9 6 X X - X X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
9 7 X X - D X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
Note: Use the rear half of the Output 4 slot
Specification: Universal process
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0006
R - RS232; EIA-232 Communications
9 6 X X - X X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
9 7 X X - D X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
Specification: 1200 to 19200 baud
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0007
U - COMM; EIA-485 Communications
9 6 X X - X X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
9 7 X X - D X X
- 0 0 X X (Slot 4 only)
Specification: 1200 to 19200 baud
Watlow P/N: Z100-0739-0008
Registered Company
Winona, Minnesota USA
ISO 9001
Figure 2 — Screwdriver
twist action on top and
Figure 3 — Main boards
and numbered output
Figure 1 — Screwdriver slot
and assembly alignment
Insert screw-
driver tip
here to
open case.
Align arrowheads to reassemble
New Labels
Unit Model Number/Wiring Label
Apply kit labels to the unit label on
the left side of the controller (as you
face it). The center four characters
of the Model Number correspond to
Output Slots 1 to 4, respectively:
9XA1 — __ __ __ __ — 00XX
Output Slot: 1 2 3 4
Figure 5 — Module kit label locations
16 17 18
19 20 21
Apply new terminal
block labels as needed
to Outputs 2 and 4:
Apply this label
to the old model #
Apply new
output labels
CAUTION: Except for identical module replacement in
the same slot, this procedure will change all controller
programming to default values. Document all
controller parameters before beginning. Failure to do
so could result in damage to equipment and product.
CAUTION: Use MIL-STD-1686B / EN10015-1
ESD (electrostatic discharge) procedures when
handling output modules. Failure to follow these
procedures could result in damage to equipment and
ESD Grounding Strap available;
order p/n: 0830-0494-0000
NOTE: The module procedure must be performed by a
qualified technician.
Steps to install or replace a Series 96/97 module:
Step 1 Determine the controller’s present model number and new model number, and proposed
module locations
• Plan for the number of output modules you will add, change, or relocate. See Table 1 to identify your
• Fill in the blanks below with your unit’s present model number and new model number from the unit wiring
label. Notice the correlation between the model number and the output slot numbers. See Table 1
• Present Model Number: 9 X X X - __ __ __ __ - 0 0 X X
Output Slot 1 2 3 4
• New Model Number: 9 X X X - __ __ __ __ - 0 0 X X
Output Slot 1 2 3 4
Step 2 Record programming for a controller already in service, or with factory-loaded parameters.
• If you are creating a new module number for a controller currently in service, or for one preprogrammed at
the factory, document all parameter settings and values.Unless you are replacing a module with an
identical one in the same slot, all user-programmed information will return to default values when power is
restored (see
CAUTION on the left). Use a photocopy of the fold-out back cover of the Series 96 or 97
User’s Manual to record the parameters.
Step 3 Remove the controller from the application.
• Remove power from the unit, then remove the terminal blocks from the back of the controller. Then,
remove the controller from the panel. Follow the instructions in the Series 96 or 97 User’s Manual,
Chapter 2.
Step 4 Disassemble the case and circuit boards.
• Ground yourself and your work area with proper ESD protection (see
CAUTION on the left).
• Insert a small screwdriver into the slot on the top of the case (see Figures 1 and 2). Gently twist the
screwrdriver blade to separate the case halves Repeat on the bottom of the case; then separate the case
halves, and pull the circuit boards out.
• Note the small circuit board tabs and guide holes, as you gently pull the two large circuit boards apart.
Step 5 Install the field module.
• Remove the terminal block from the module and set it aside; you may or may not need it.
• Identify the module type and its slot (see Table 1, and Figures 3 and 4). The slot numbers appear on the
large circuit boards, next to each slot. The module identifier appears on the back of the module board.
• Insert the module into its slot. Make sure all pins seat properly. Note: Use the rear half of the Output 4
slot for M - PROC.
Step 6 Reassemble the printed circuit boards and the case.
• Match the module tabs and the main board guide holes as you reassemble the unit. Look at the boards
and unit from the back to make certain that all the output boards are straight and perpendicular to the
main boards.
• If applicable, remove Knockout B or C (see Figure 4) for the output pins at the back of the case, and...
install the five-pin terminal block for MR3 in Output 3; discard the two-pin terminal block. (See the Power
and Output 3 wiring instructions in the Series 96 or 97 User’s Manual, Chapter 3.)
• Insert the circuit board assembly into the back half of the case. The long pins connecting the two main
boards together should be on top; the unit labels should read upright. Insert the whole assembly into the
front half of the case, making certain that the shaded arrows on the top of each half of the case align.
(See Figure 1.)
• Reassemble the case; wiggle the back half assembly to seat it in the front. (The 10 small pins on the front
of the assembled circuit boards must seat in the display board socket on the inside front of the case.)
Case halves should snap together cleanly.
• Verify that all output module connectors are flush with the case back.
• If empty, the Output 2 slot requires the Accessory Clip. (See Fig. 4.) Seat the clip legs on the left first,
then seat the right legs with a small screw-driver; the clip will snap flush.
Step 7 Update the labels.
• Update the unit's model number and wiring information label (on the left side of the unit as you face it) by
covering the old wiring information and model number with the small labels supplied in the module kit.
(See Figure 5.) Position the labels with a small screwdriver. Apply labels to the new terminal blocks also.
(See Figure 4.)
Step 8 Verify output wiring and install the controller.
• Verify output connector wiring, especially after changing a module for a different one, and before installing
the controller. Refer to the Series 96 or 97 User’s Manual, Chapter 3 (see
CAUTION above).
• Install the controller by following the instructions in the Series 96 or 97 User’s Manual, Chapter 2.
• Connect the terminal blocks; make sure the numbers on the block match those on the back of the case.
Step 9 Test the controller.
• Upon first power up, an error message, ERR 10, will appear. Turn the power off.
• Power up the controller again to clear the error. If necessary, reprogram the controller to its former
• The module installation is complete. For troubleshooting information, see the index of the Series 96/97
User’s Manual.
#1 - Output Slot
* Output 3
Output 1
Output 2
Output 4
Board Tab
(Input and power terminal
blocks not shown.)
* Note: MR3 (Output 3 only)
requires the 5-position terminal
block (discard 2-position block).
#4 - Output Slot
(opposite side)
#2 - Output Slot
(opposite side)
Output 2 Accessory Clip
Output Slot # 3
Guide Hole
Apply label here.
Apply label here.
12 1
10 9 8
19 20 21
16 17 18
Install horizontally; use if no Output 2
Terminal Blocks
Figure 4 — Series 96/97 Exploded View
CAUTION: Verify output connector wiring after changing
a module for a different one, and before re-installing
the controller. Refer to the product user manual
‘Wiring,” Chapter 3. Failure to do so could result in
damage to equipment and product.
Copyrighted by Watlow Winona, Inc., © September 1997, with all rights reserved.