Alto-Shaam QC2-3 User Manual
Page 24

Q U I C K C H I L L E R • I N S T A L L A T I O N / O P E R A T I O N / S E R V I C E M A N U A L • 2 2 .
a D v a n c e D o p e r a T I o n – U S e r S e T T I n G S
o p e r a T I o n
13. DrIp TIMe (MInUTeS)
This is the amount of time the drain heater will run
after a hot-gas defrost function before automatically
switching back to the chilling mode. Factory default
setting is 10 minutes. The user may select a range
from 5-15 minutes using the right4or left3arrow
key to increase or decrease the numbers as required.
14. facTory SeTTInGS
Resets all presets and user-defined settings to
factory default settings. Warning: pressing Factory
reset will erase all User settings and presets
programmed by the user. all custom User settings
and presets will need to be reprogrammed.