Alto-Shaam QC2-3 User Manual
Page 23

Q U I C K C H I L L E R • I N S T A L L A T I O N / O P E R A T I O N / S E R V I C E M A N U A L • 2 1 .
8. haccp DoWnloaD
This is displayed only when the control is connected
to a USB DataLogger. [Optional feature]
With the HACCP Download selected, press the Start
key and insert USB data stick. Display will indicate
QC USB and the % status copied to USB data
stick. When 100% is displayed, transfer is complete.
Pull the data stick out of the data port. All data has
been transferred to the USB stick and is erased from
the control. A folder called "haccp" is created on the
USB data stick containing dated excel file names for
each chilling mode or defrost cycle since the last
HACCP download.
9. probe verIfIcaTIon
With the probe verification selected, press the Start
key to enter the probe verification mode.
The offset and the temperature will display for:
Top Probe (
Middle Probe (
Bottom Probe (
If probe calibration is needed, place the probe
in a glass of ice-water and let the probe settle in
temperature. The temperature in the glass should be
32°F (0°C).
To calibrate, Press up5or down6arrow key to
adjust between the probes, and the right4or
left3arrow keys to adjust the calibration value.
Press the proGraM key to exit probe
calibration mode.
10. preSeT lock (0=
, 1=
If the presets are locked, pressing
the desired preset will skip the mode
overview and will start immediately.
Factory default is
11. chIll MoDe lock (0=
, 1=
If the chill modes are locked, pressing the
chill mode button will skip the mode
overview and will start immediately.
Factory default is
12. DefroST TIMe (MInUTeS)
This is the amount of time the defrost function
will run before automatically switching back to the
chilling mode. Factory default setting is 20 minutes.
The user may select a range from 10-30 minutes
using the right4or left3arrow key to increase or
decrease the numbers as required.
S U b T I T l e
T I T l e
a D v a n c e D o p e r a T I o n
o p e r a T I o n
a D v a n c e D o p e r a T I o n – U S e r S e T T I n G S
o p e r a T I o n