Accu-Chek insulin pump User Manual

Page 154

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Alert A7: TBR OVER (Temporary Basal Rate Over)

A Temporary Basal Rate has ended. The original basal rate (100%) will resume
automatically once the alert has been confirmed.

1. Press

f twice to turn off and confirm the alert.

2. Decide whether a further Temporary Basal Rate change is needed. If necessary,

program a new Temporary Basal Rate.


A bolus was cancelled during the start delay or after delivery began.

1. Press

f twice to turn off and to confirm the alert.

2. If necessary, put your pump in RUN mode.

3. Make sure that the cancellation was intended and then program a new

bolus if needed.


The actual bolus amount that was delivered before the cancellation can be
reviewed in the bolus history. See the section “Review the Bolus
History” (page 107) for more information.

Chapter 7: Alerts and Errors

ACCU-CHEK Spirit Insulin Pump