Accu-Chek insulin pump User Manual

Page 147

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Occlusion in system

Failure to complete prime

Poor absorption of insulin

Infusion site becomes sore,
red, or swollen.

Recommended Actions

Disconnect and re-prime your infusion
set. Check your blood glucose. If the
occlusion remains, prime the pump
without the cartridge inserted. See the
section “Error E4: OCCLUSION” (page 156).

Re-prime the infusion set. Always prime
until a bubble-free insulin flow emerges
from the tip of the needle. Make sure the
tubing is free of air.

Choose infusion sites that do not have
scar tissue, bruises, or tissue build-up.
Do not use the same infusion set or
infusion site longer than your doctor or
healthcare team recommends.

Change your infusion headset and infusion
site immediately. Use proper insertion
technique. Check blood glucose level.
Follow the planned infusion site rotation
pattern and advice given by your doctor or
healthcare team.

Chapter 6: Care and Maintenance

ACCU-CHEK Spirit Insulin Pump