Cycle ac, Autoclean – ADIC FastStor Mass Storage Device User Manual
Page 59

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
If, when you press SELECT, slot 7 is full, FastStor will return a dEST FULL error message and AUTOCLEAN will not be
enabled. In this instance, use the UNLOAD SLOT mode to empty slot 7 first, then enable AUTOCLEAN.
If you wish to abort while enabling the AUTOCLEAN function, before placing the cleaning cartridge in slot 2 and pressing
SELECT, press the MODE button. FastStor will return to LdR REAdY and AUTOCLEAN will not be enabled.
If you do not place the cleaning cartridge in slot 2 and press SELECT within 30 seconds, the function will timeout, FastStor
will return to the LdR REAdY, and AUTOCLEAN will not be enabled.
The Autoclean function is disabled until FastStor places the cleaning cartridge in slot 7. If power is cycled prior to FastStor
placing the cartridge, AUTOCLEAN will remain disabled.
If a data cartridge is in slot 2 and you press SELECT, FastStor will treat it like a cleaning cartridge and move it to slot 7.
If a cartridge is in the drive when you place the cleaning cartridge in slot 2 and press SELECT, a dRIVE FULL error will be
posted and AUTOCLEAN will remain disabled. This is also true if the Picker is full when you press SELECT. In either case,
clear the error by pressing the MODE button. The use the EJECT dRV mode to remove the cartridge from the drive, or the
EJECT PCKR mode to remove the cartridge from the Media Picker, before again attempting to enable AUTOCLEAN.
AUTOCLEAN will automatically perform a cleaning whenever the drive issues a Cleaning Requested status. After completion of
the head cleaning, FastStor will return the cleaning cartridge to slot 7.
When AUTOCLEAN is enabled, the application does not have access to slot 7, and FastStor appears as a 6 slot loader. This
forces the application to remap the FastStor. Although slot 7 is unavailable to the application, the slot 7 indicator on the
Operator Panel LCD functions normally (shows the presence of a cartridge when cleaning is not being performed).
When AUTOCLEAN is enabled you still have normal access to slot 7 from the front panel, allowing you to recover from the
error if the cleaning cartridge gets stuck in the Media Picker.
If the cleaning cartridge is ever in any slot other than 7, AUTOCLEAN will not function.
If, during the cleaning, the drive issues a cleaning tape expired condition, FastStor will display the following blinking message
on the LCD:
4 5 6
To clear the error condition, press the MODE button. Now use the front panel to replace the cleaning cartridge with a new
one. This will allow Autoclean to remain on. If desired, follow the instructions in the following section to first disable
AUTOCLEAN, then re-enable it using a new cleaning cartridge.
After entering the dIAG MENU, press the MODE button until AUTOCLEAN appears on the LCD: