White’s Electronics MXT 300 User Manual
Page 13

Chapter 4 MXT 300 Display
Ground phase indications are a doubled edged
sword. Higher numbers simply mean
predominately ferrous (iron) such as black sands /
magnetite. Lower numbers simply mean less iron
and/or predominately conductive nonferrous (not
of iron) content, such as gold per ton of rock. So in
a dry wash, outcropping, or vein, a shift in either
direction (higher or lower numbers) may be of
interest. For example a black sand streak may have
a lot of fl our gold at one end. It will indicate a high
ground phase number on the end without the fl our
gold, and a lower ground phase on the end with
the fl our gold. The same applies to veins or an
outcropping. It is the change that brings about the
interest more so than if it is either high iron (high
number) or high conductive (lower numbers).
Knowing that the ground is high iron (magnetite),
outlining black sand pockets, and checking veins
for consistency (change), and comparing rock
samples for possible assay, are the common uses of
ground phase. Again, change is of the most inter-
esting, not direction.
3. GND - Indicates the phase (measurement) of
the ground . This is useful in two different environ-
A. Within a dry wash the gold will settle
with the heavier materials (black sands).
When searching you notice the ground
phase is declining (lowering in number),
generally you are working further away
from the heavy black sand deposits. If you
notice the ground phase is increasing,
generally you are working toward (closer) to
the heavier deposits. By following the more
intense ground phase you increase your
likelihood of fi nding nuggets.
B. Checking outcropping or veins, the
ground phase can also be useful in a similar
way by indicating the consistency or change
of the veins ground phase.
Generally speaking, the ground numbers will hold
fairly consistent in most open terrain areas, such
as hydraulic sites and desert areas. GND readings
in the high 70's and 80's are considered heavy iron
mineralization. Alkali or salt areas will display
much lower numbers, possibly into the 30's and
Black sand streak-heavy iron mineralization
Alkalai or salt area in a dry wash
Flour gold
at one end of
black sand streak
NOTE: Watching the change in Ground Number in the upper right of the display, you will fi rst look
for a change to a high number indicating high mineralization or black sand. When that streak is
identifi ed you will then look for the Ground Number to lower again at one end of the streak indicat-
ing where the fl our gold concentrated or washed down to that end.
Use Ground Numbers First to Find Gold Bearing Ground in a Dry Wash