Field use & tuning tips – White’s Electronics Goldmaster GMT User Manual

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% Iron Probability Blocking:
In operating the GMT, we have noticed that the %
of Iron Probability Block Graph is very dependable.
We noted that when the blocking hesitated to go
above 75% on the probability scale it was most
always non-ferrous. On our field testing, the first
small piece of gold we dug registered at 75% and
stayed there. It was a 3 grain piece. We dug dozens
of small bird shot which reacted the same way. We
also found that the blocking could be "pushed up
the scale" past 75% to the point of "grunting" by
continued sweeps over the target with the trigger
squeezed (target analyzer). However, we also found
that if we pushed repeatedly, in some instance, we
were able to push a bird shot into the "grunt" zone.
We ultimately were able to predict if the target was
ferrous or non-ferrous by how hard we had to "work
it" to get it to go full scale or "grunt". It will take
some practice, but we found it very reliable. We
soon had confidence in it. The larger pieces of non-
ferrous such as lead bullets and a "lonely ever
present pull tab" registered well below the 50%
Iron Probability range and gave our hearts the usual
jolt. You must always remember that a 75% prob-
ability of Iron is also a 25% probability chance of
gold ( non-ferrous ). That is why we have set the
"Iron Grunt" at 85%. or more. Below that, you
should investigate.

Overload Message:
It will be noted that the overload messages "BAD
CLOSE LIFT SEARCH COIL" only appear in the
display at that moment when the search coil is over
the overloading ground or metal target.

If you are overloading over a metal target and you
stop the coil over it, the overload "squawk" and
message will continue. When you raise the search

Chapter 5 GMT Searching

mineralizatiion. High Gain and slower SAT will
not get you the Gold in heavy mineralization as
well as lower GAIN and a bit of faster SAT.

The GMT can most always tell the difference
between overload from a large metal target and
extreme mineralization or hot rock. Under some
unusual situations, it can seem confused and give a
mixed opinion. Whichever the case, raising the
search coil is the first solution. If the target is a
large or surface piece of metal it will cease to
overload quickly and you can investigate by dig-
ging it up. Lowering the GAIN will usually cure a
mineralized area, but will not do much to eliminate
a real target. With a little practice you will figure it
out. If the overload seems everywhere it is probably
mineralizatiion and lowering GAIN is essential.

Iron Probability:
Internally, the GMT has two independent and
slightly different Iron Probability Systems; one for
audio tone (grunt) and the other for the visual
display. The tone and the visual ID System will
usually agree, but once in a while they may dis-
agree. If the tone and the visual display disagree,
the visual will usually be more accurate, especially
if you use the "Target Analysis trigger.

Misclassifying Iron:
The Iron Probability System will consistently
identify some types of Iron and Steel objects as
non-ferrous, particularly flat thin steel such as a can
lid, very large pieces of iron, and small solid pieces
of iron like heavy washers. Because this is a gold
detector, it was essential to design it so that it would
tend to call doubtful targets "non-ferrous" or "pos-
sible gold". In this way, eliminating the possibility
of mistaking gold for iron.

Field Use & Tuning Tips