White’s Electronics MX5 User Manual

Page 13

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Page 13


Owner’s Manual

Target ID & Tones

The MX5 has two methods of target identification: visual

and audio. The visual consists of the 2-digit VDI number that is
displayed plus a cursor that appears across the top of the screen
pointing at the VDI zone the target belongs in. The 20 VDI
zones are labeled as follows:

The span of each zone begins at the number directly above

the zone and extends to the edge of the next zone. Some exam-
ple zones are [-95 to -71], [-10 to -1], [+0 to +4], [+70 to +79],
and [+90 to +95]. A target with a VDI of 78 will move the cur-
sor to the zone marked “70” as shown.

In addition to the visual ID, the MX5 can also produce a

tone ID. There are up to 2 tone modes depending on the search
1 toneCoin, Beach: Accepted targets produce a single

tone. Rejected targets usually create a “null” in the threshold
tone and do not otherwise produce a response, although you
may hear a short audio chirp as the target is being rejected.

2 tonesCoin, Beach: Accepted targets at or above 0 pro-

duce a high tone, accepted targets below 0 produce a low
tone, and rejected targets produce a null.

8 tones — There are 8 different tones for 8 VDI ranges:

Coin, Beach, & Relic


-95 to -21


-20 to 0


+1 to +14


+15 to +29


+30 to +49


+50 to +59


+60 to +69


+70 to +95