White’s Electronics MX5 User Manual
Page 11

Page 11
Owner’s Manual
Threshold (SAT) circuit that maintains a consistent threshold
level. Pinpoint mode does not use SAT and will respond even
when hovering over a target.
• Coin — This is the primary search mode for the MX5 for
most general hunting. By default AutoTrac
is enabled and
restricted to normal soil, most iron is discriminated, 8-tone
mode is selected, and threshold is on.
• Beach — Wet salt sand (and sometimes highly fertilized
ground) is mildly conductive and difficult for most metal
detectors. The
mode expands the ground tracking range
of the MX5 to handle wet salt sand. You may still need to use
a slower sweep rate to avoid falsing. This mode is not recom-
mended for normal soils and may cause some targets to track
out (disappear). Also generally not needed for dry beach sand.
This mode otherwise behaves like the Coin mode.
• All Metal — The All-Metal mode turns off the discriminator
and accepts all targets. Tone ID is disabled but VDI numbers
are still reported. All Metal mode requires that the coil be in
motion in order to respond to a target. If the coil is held steady
over a target it will get tuned out after a few seconds.
• Pinpoint — Technically Pinpoint isn’t normally used as a
search mode, but it can be. Pinpoint is the same as All Metal
except that ground tracking is locked and SAT is turned off.
Without SAT the threshold may slowly drift over time.