1 ivscriptengine::vscriptname – Teledyne LeCroy SAS_SATA Tracer_Trainer Automation API Manual User Manual

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LeCroy Corporation

Automation API for SAS/SATATracer/Trainer

Manual Version 1.11


8.1.1 IVScriptEngine::VScriptName

[propget] HRESULT VScriptName ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal )

[propget] HRESULT VScriptName ( [in] BSTR newVal )

Property puts and gets current verification script name.



Address of the variable where current verification script name is kept


Name of the verification script to initialize verification script engine

Return values


The name of the verification script is the name of the verification script file (*.pevs). If

only the name of the script, without a file extension, is specified, the SASTracer server
searches for the named script among the scripts loaded from the \Scripts\VFScripts folder
under the SASTracer installation folder. If the full path to the script is specified, then the
server attempts to load the script from the specified path prior to running it.


// In this example, we use wrapper functions provided by the #import directive.

ISASTrace* sas_trace;

. . .

ISASVerificationScript* sas_vscript = NULL;

sas_trace->QueryInterface( IID_ISASVerificationScript, (void**)&sas_vscript ) )
assert( sas_vscript != NULL );

IVScriptEngine* sas_vsengine = NULL;
sas_vsengine = sas_vscript -> GetVScriptEngine("MyVSEngine");
assert( sas_vsengine != NULL );

sas_vsengine -> PutVScriptName("Test_1");
assert( sas_vsengine -> GetVScriptName() == "Test_1" );

VS_RESULT result = sas_vsengine ->RunVScript();
if( result == PASSED )

::MessageBox( NULL, "Test 1 passed !!!", "SASTracer client", MB_OK );


. . .