Try this – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 143

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Chapter 7

Creating Voiceovers


If you haven’t already, you can choose Window > Arrange > Audio Mixing to choose a


window layout convenient for using the Voice Over tool.
Drag Sample Clip 1 and Sample Clip 2 into the Timeline, one after the other.


Try This

Open the Voice Over tool:
Choose Tools > Voice Over to open the Voice Over tool.


Enter an audio clip
name here.

Rate pop-up menu

Source pop-up menu

Specify microphone settings in the Voice Over tool:
Choose your microphone or audio interface from the Source pop-up menu.


From the Rate pop-up menu, choose a sample rate that matches your sequence sample


rate. For the sample clip, choose 48000 Hz. (If your clips are in a different format, you
can see the sequence audio sample rate by choosing Sequence > Settings and then
viewing the setting in the Rate pop-up menu in the Audio Settings area.)