Voltage drop calculator – System Sensor Voltage Drop Calculator User Manual
Page 13
3.3.2 Add devices using favorites
After all the selections for a device to be added in the circuit
is done, you can optionally add the selected/configured
device as your favorite device based on the usage and need
of the device for quick reference and the device will be
added in the favorites menu list immediately.
Once you add a device as a Favorite device, it will be listed
under favorites in one of the following format based on the
device type
1) Label Model : If no tone, volume, frequency and candela is
applicable e.g.
Chime CH1224W
2) Label Model, Tone Volume : If no frequency and candela is
Chime CHR, 1 Second chime, High
3) Label Model, Tone Volume Frequency : If no candela is
Horn H12/24, Temporal, High, Electromechanical
4) Label Model, Tone Volume Frequency , candela: If all are
Horn/Strobe P2R Temporal, High, 110 candela
If a specific device with selected configuration already
exists in the favorite’s list then user will be intimated about
it as shown
Voltage Drop Calculator
User Guide – Version 2