King Electric FCS11 Instant Alert Monitor User Manual

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IMPORTANT: Make sure that the Floor Heating Cables or Mat systems which will be monitored ARE
connected to the line voltage.

Connect the lead wires of the Floor Heating Cable to the Instant Alert Monitor before
beginning installation to immediately detect any damage caused during the installation process.


Set the Switch to the “ON” position.

2. A green light indicates that the Instant Alert Monitor is operating.
3. The Monitor should be placed where it can be easily seen and heard during installation of the floor
heating system.
4. The Monitor will sound an alarm and turn the red alarm indicator light ON when it detects either that the
lead wires have come loose from the terminals or damage (opened or shorted cable) has occurred to the
Floor Heating Cable or Mat kit(s). If the red light turns on and the alarm sounds during installation, stop all
work. Check the terminal connections to check if the lead wires have come loose. If the terminal
connections are acceptable, consult the troubleshooting section of the installation manual that came with
your Cable or Mat kit.


1. Do not connect line voltage to Floor Heating Cable or Mat system with the Instant Alert Monitor installed. Doing so will result in
damage to both the Heating Cable or Mat System and Alert Monitor.
2. Instant Alert Monitor is not a substitution for an ohm meter. It will only indicate that damage may
have occurred to the Floor Heating Cable or Mat System during installation.
An ohm meter should be used to obtain specific resistance readings.
3.The Instant Alert Monitor may not detect nicks in the heating wire that could cause GFCI tripping if the nick does not
result in an open or short circuit.
Therefore, after laying out the floor heating system, we recommend connecting your floor
heating system to power and GFCI test the operation before adding your final floor covering. We are not liable for any costs
associated with the damage found or not found by the Instant Alert Monitor. We recommend that you keep a drawing and/or photo
of your heating cable layout to aid possible troubleshooting.