King Electric Model DAW-SS User Manual
Installation instructions, Dial-a-watt

The top of the heater assembly
fits between the 1st and 2nd
louver. This creates an air gap
between the heating element
and the top of the wall can.
KING ELECTRICAL MFG. COMPANY • 9131 10th Ave So. • Seattle, WA 98108 • Ph: 206.762.0400 • Fax: 206.763.7738 •
Before attempting to install your heater verify the power supply wires are the
same voltage as the heater you are installing. 240 and 120 Volt heaters are not interchange-
able. Connecting a 240 Volt heater to a 120 Volt circuit will reduce the wattage 75% and cause
the motor to rotate slowly, significantly reducing air flow. Connecting a 120 Volt heater to a
240 Volt circuit will destroy the heater, could cause fire damage and voids all warranties. This
heater should be installed in compliance with all local and national electrical codes.
Turn off power source to the heater before attempting installation, maintenance,
or repairs. Lock, tape or tag circuit breaker or fuse so that power cannot be turned on by
accident. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or death.
1. Remove heater from carton. Check to make sure the heater has not been damaged in shipment.
2. Remove the grill by loosening and removing the two screws on the front grill.
3. Remove fan heater assembly by loosening the mounting screw - the assembly will now drop out.
4. Remove one 7/8" knockout and thread the supply wire into the wallbox. Use an approved strain
relief bushing to prevent chafing of the supply wires through the opening in the wallbox.
5. Mount heater wall can using flanges on side of can. Install the fan heater assembly at the top of
the wallbox with the mounting screw. Connect the supply and groundwires per the diagram on
next page and plug harness to Dial-A-Watt switch.
6. Install grill and secure with the two screws provided. The top first louver in the grill must be open
into and between wall can and top of heater for proper circulation of air.
7. The installation is now complete and the heater may be energized.
8. Test each wattage setting from 250 to 1500 in 120 Volt or 500 to 2250 Watts in 240 Volt.
Steel Sheath Element
240V 2250W
120V 1500W
DAW.indd : 4/08
Note: Heaters cannot
be installed vertically.
Dial-A-Watt switch
This heater includes a manual reset thermal protector
with a self-hold feature. If the heater shuts off with the
on position and the room temperature is below the
highest thermostat setting, immediately disconnect the
power to the heater at the circuit breaker and inspect
for any objects on or adjacent to the heater that may
cause high temperatures. After inspecting the heater,
keep the power off to the heater for 10 minutes to
reset the thermal protector. If the heater thermal pro-
tector shuts the heater off again, immediately turn the
heater off at the circuit breaker and inspect the heater
for possible fan motor failure or dirt and lint on the
heating element. Repeat starting procedure.
Depth - 1/2"
Height - 7-1/2"
Width - 13-1/2"