Joyce MA7007 User Manual
Page 4
5. Multipurpose actuators can be mounted and operated in any orientation, but the load must be
axial to the actuator. No side load is permitted. Refer to Section 1-9 for installation guidelines.
6. Be certain the rating of the actuator meets or exceeds the load.
7. The actuator must be mounted on a rigid structure sufficient to support the maximum possible
load. An under-designed structure could lead to premature wear or failure.
8. When fastening the load to an actuator, make sure the actuator is in the retracted position.
This positions the load accurately with respect to the lifting screw centerline. Never pull the
translating tube to one side to make connection with your structure. Fully extend the actuator to
make sure the load is aligned with the translating tube.
1-6 Features
12 VDC Multipurpose Actuator
12 volt DC motor
Preset limit switches (Adjustable, except for MA0513, which are not adjustable)
Clevis-to-Clevis Mounting Style
25% duty cycle
IP65 protection rating
120 VAC Multipurpose Actuators
120 volt AC motor
Preset limit switches (Adjustable)
Clevis-to-Clevis Mounting Style
25% duty cycle
IP65 protection rating
1-7 Limit Switch Adjustment
Limit switches on all Multipurpose Actuators are preset. These instructions are provided in
case the preset positions need to be adjusted. Limit switches on MA0513 actuators are not
adjustable. Figure 1 and Figure 2 on the following page illustrate the limit switch components.
Exercise reasonable precaution when making adjustments. Do not contact the inner tube while
the motor is running.
1. If the actuator is not already fully retracted (ref. catalog for minimum closed height)
operate the actuator until the lower limit is reached and the motor stops. If satisfied with
the actuator retract dimension as positioned continue to step # 3.
2. To finely position the retract stopping location rotate the inner actuator tube until the
desired stopping location is achieved. Do not rotate the inner tube in a manner to position
it lower than the minimum closed height shown in the catalog.
3. From this point on until the actuator is fully mounted in the assembly it is important not to
allow the inner tube to rotate. Allowing it to rotate will alter the retracted position location
and require repeating steps 1 & 2.