6 step 5 - testing – Hochiki FB-1 User Manual

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ESP FIREbeam – Installation Manual

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 2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd



Stage Four - Auto-Alignment

Having received an AQ reading of over 40% in manual mode press enter to exit manual and enter again to go into
auto alignment mode.

First you will see the sensitivity and power readings drop if the received signal is over 100%. Once at 100% or if
the reading is under 100% the ESP FIREbeam will automatically move its y and x axis until it centres itself onto the
middle of the reflector. It does this by seeing highs and lows as it falls on and off the reflector (seeing the edges of
the reflector) once it has found all the edges it will then calculate and move to the centre of the reflector.

Auto alignment in ‘fast’ mode will take, on average, 3 minutes and in normal mode up to 30 minutes; the better the
beam is aligned before auto alignment (high AQ readings) the shorter the align time. Once finished



will appear on the screen, simply press


to get back to OK and exit.

You will now see this screen, AQ may fluctuate a couple of % above and below 100%

Now proceed to Step 4 – Testing, the final stage of commissioning.

2.6 Step 5 - Testing

2.6.1 Fault


This is done to confirm that the returned signal is from the reflector. Cover the entire reflector within one second. If
the beam is correctly targeted onto the reflector the AQ will drop to 0% (max 10%) and will fall into a ‘fault’ condition
(after 10 seconds). Amber LEDs will flash on the controller and the beam head, the word


will appear on

the display. If the AQ is still above 10% reflections are also being returned from something else other than the
reflector. This should be rectified and a fault test performed again until AQ drops below 10%.

2.6.2 Fire


Having completed the fault test the fire test confirms the functionality of the beam. Having just covered the reflector
completely for the fault test now let the beam recover to its normal state and then cover half the reflector, in effect
restricting the returned signal to 50%, the beam should then fall into a ‘fire’ condition (after 10 seconds).

Once you have successfully completed both tests your ESP FIREbeam is commissioned. You can now fine tune
your beam to suit the environment if needed. Look through the following menus to see adjustments that can be