Introduction – SKC Limited Haz-Dust I User Manual

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HAZ-DUST is a portable direct reading particulate monitor that uses infrared
electromagnetic radiation to sense airborne particles. The sensing method is
traditionally referred to as near forward light scattering. The principle of near
forward light scattering utilizes a light source emitter and a photodetector
positioned at a 90-degree angle. As particles transverse the sensing volume, they
scatter IR light at a forward angle of 45-90 degrees. The amount of scattered light
is directly proportional to the aerosol concentration.

The mass concentration readout is expressed in milligrams per cubic meter
(mg/m³). The calibration of the instrument can be changed to compensate for any
changes in particle composition and distribution.

HAZ-DUST is calibrated with standard test dust. The particle size range is from
0.1 to 50um this represents the EPA PM10 criteria and thoracic region for airborne
particles as defined by the ACGIH (American Conference of Government
Industrial Hygienists) and the NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Health
and Safety) Reference method #600.

This instrument can be used for all Industrial and environmental particulate air
monitoring applications. In addition the unit is valuable for aiding in the
compliance to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Air
Contaminant Exposure Standards. OSHA has prepared an 86 page booklet titled
“Air Contaminants Permissible Exposure Limits” OSHA publication #3112. Free
copies may be obtained by sending a self-addressed envelope to:

OSHA Publications Office

Room N-3101

U.S. Dept. of Labor

Washington, DC 20210